Getting ready for school

This week has been a crazy week Timmy going back to school on Monday. Erika and I both start next week. Tim (big Tim) has been in it up to his neck for a couple months now. I bought Sarah some computer programs so she can start to prep for kindergarden next year. So I imagine our summer evenings of relaxation will soon be filled with homework woes from all corners of the house.

In all the madness I still managed to paint this week. I finished another Mexican wedding dresss painting and another gato painting. And last night I put the finishing touches on a flores painting. Painting still has a calming effect on me despite the loud colors I use on all my canvases. I'm looking forward to class work which should be fun too. I'll post some home work assignments to the blog and maybe even the gallery... as I will be working on Still Lifes, The Human Form and Digital Photography this semester.


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