
Showing posts from March, 2015

Pleasure in the familiar.

Taking pleasure in the familiar is something that I need to do when life is full of uncertainty. For whatever reason it seems that a lot of things are on the verge of change in my life right now. I am wrapping up my B.S. and trying to decide on graduate school. We are moving soon and looking for a new home, packing and purging is always a treat (not really) but I have to look at the positive. Purging means less stuff to carry with us into our new home. But the process of purging can be daunting. My work life is also in flux. I am making the best of the situation and opening myself up to new opportunities. With all of this change and uncertainly I rely on what I am familiar with to soothe my soul. For some people it's music, a massage or a mind trip into a new book. I enjoy getting dirty... with dirt. I know with out a doubt that if I plant a seed it will bloom. Spring will always come, tulips will bloom and our California hillsides will be bright orange with poppies. They are f

En Plena Flor - In Full Bloom

Change is in the air I can feel it. Can you? This time of year always reminds me of how we all have the potential to grow, change and improve. Bloom... yes?  It's been a few months since my last post, and lots has happened since December. I've been very focused on finishing up school and working on some larger personal projects. I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and will be done with my B.S. come May. I also was given the opportunity to curate a women's art exhibit En Plena Flor/In Full Bloom for Puerto Alegre in San Francisco (runs through April 28th). March also ushered in the launch of my personal that will focus on representing emerging & mid career artists in the Contemporary Modern Art space with a focus on Latin@ artists. I also had the opportunity to be in a group art show in Oakland at the Beso Maya Gallery that will be up until the end of March. Valentines' was spent with Tim and the girls on a road trip